Yes, I still have it. It has just been hidden awhile because I took a long break from blogging. I'm still not fully blogging again, but I have decided to try and do more photography blogging. This will give clients, and future clients a place to see my growing work.
Speaking of GROWING.... I am growing in my photography slowly but surely. I am self taught on everything, learning by trial and error in every way. Being the mom of two active children, a wife, model and actress, I don't have a lot of time to really just sit and teach myself, so that is why I say slowly but surely. I am learning little things in little pieces. Like a tree.
So after almost two years of not posting, I would like to open the doors once again starting today and do my first post.
I recently photographed a beautiful, smart, athletic and God loving lady named, Deidre Daniel's. This beauty is the girl that should come to mind when you think of a lady with strength and beauty inside and out. Although when she talks she quickly gives way to being from Boston, so for you Yankee fans, don't hold it against her.
Deidre loves to bake. She can eat all she wants with the amount of time she spends either teaching cage fitness classes or dancing her toosh off in Zumba classes. Knowing that not everyone has the genes or the time to burn off those kinds calories after eating tasty baked deserts, Deidre goes even further to bake the most delicious fat free, little to no calorie treats. I can testify too. We had a gathering for a mutual friends birthday, and Deidra brought over one of her favorites, a carrot cake. I typically wouldn't care for carrot cake, but I was pressured into giving hers a try. One word "YUM!" It was delicious and I actually ate my entire slice.
She wanted some nice head shots and then some fun girly but strong photos with her sassy hot pink shoes and feminine boxing gloves.